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Don’t like conventional tie knots? Do you want something more eccentric? Then the Eldredge is the ultimate knot for you. While challenging to tie, the Eldredge adds personality, and will instantly show your creative genius!

Eldredge Step by Step Instructions

Love exotic looking tie knots? Then the Eldredge is the more complicated and more elaborate big brother of the Trinity knot. It is a challenging knot that most certainly will take practice. Don’t be frustrated if it takes a dozen tries. To make things easier on you, practice in front of a mirror and focus on one step at a time:


Lay the tie around your neck so that the wide end is at the desired length. This means the narrow end will hang much lower than the wide end. That’s because it is that part of the necktie that will tie the knot. Cross the narrow end over the wide end.

Eldredge Knot

Wrap the narrow end behind the wide end of the tie.

Tie a Eldredge Knot

Then take the narrow end and wrap over the part of the tie that wraps around your collar.

Mens Tie Tie your Tie with the Tie a Eldredge Knot

Pull the narrow end down and tight on the opposite side.

Tie your Tie with the Tie a Eldredge Knot

With the narrow end of the tie go back over the wide end. Then, go behind and back over the part of the tie that comes from your collar.

The Eldredge Knot

Pull the narrow end down. Then go back behind the wide end of the tie but don’t pull tight yet.

Tie a mens tie with the Eldredge

Take the narrow end and go through the loop you created in the previous step (step #6).

The Eldredge Mens Tie Knot

Pull the half finished knot tight by pulling on the narrow end.

Eldredge Knot Instructions

Take the narrow end, and again go through the gap between collar and necktie.

how to eldredge tie knot

Wrap the narrow end once around the necktie that goes around the collar.

eldredge knot guide

Now wrap the narrow end on the opposite side.

tying an eldredge knot

Next, take the narrow end and go through the loop created in the previous step on the front of the knot.

tie a necktie eldredge

Pull tight slowly and adjust all the wrappings to look symetrical.

learn tying an eldredge knot

Next, let’s hide the left over piece of the narrow end by tugging it under the shirt collar.

eldredge mens necktie knot

Slide up the necktie and center the tie.

completed eldredge knot

Turn down your collar, and you are done. Congrats on a successful Eldredge knot!